Sunday, June 9, 2013

The new moon in Gemini

The new moon occurred on June 8 at 4:57 PM GMD at 18 degrees Gemini. Mercury, the dispositor of the new moon, is at 11 degrees Cancer in mutual reception the Moon, and exactly square Uranus at 11 degrees Aries and opposite Pluto at 10 degrees Capricorn, Uranus and Pluto being square one another. The flexibility of the mutual reception between Mercury and the Moon will only serve to intensify the cardinal T-square of Mercury, Pluto and Uranus, showing that world political and economic conditions will continue to remain tense this month with little genuine cooperation to resolve them. No real progress will be made in a positive direction in political circles.

The chart also shows a grand trine between Mercury, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces with Mars at 5 degrees Gemini exactly square Neptune. This points to the floods that are happening. Mars square Neptune is explosive. It suggests chaotic conditions, mass protests, secret crimes, possible assassinations and other such forms of chicanery and treachery afoot.

The new moon occurs in the 7th Lunar Mansion called Addyvat. This is the mansion of scholars. Its influence is on the mental and intuitive plane. It promotes friendship. This means that, for the individual, whatever discord there is in the new moon chart, it works itself out more on the mental than on the physical plane, and that, while the discord in the heavens will destroy relationships in which there has been treachery, i.e., false friendships, true friendships will only benefit.

The chart for the UK has the new moon in the 8th house along with Mars and Jupiter. This is a stellium. The afflictive aspect of Mars tells us of possible deaths in high circles amongst notable people. It also warns of sudden deaths by fire, accidents, and crime, as well as amongst men in military service. Mars rules the 6th house in this chart, confirming deaths of military men. Saturn is retrograde in the 1st house denoting a generally down, discontented mood amongst the people, but, at the same time it shows the people taking a stalwart, progressive attitude. Saturn retrograde in the 1st house, however, doesn't produce much good at all. The conditions faced by the people in the UK are hard.

The chart for the EU, made at Bruxelles is very similar to that of the UK, except that Saturn is exactly conjunct the Ascendant. This shows that the conditions in the EU are worse than in Britain. Mars, Moon, Sun, Jupiter, and Venus all in the 8th house, with Jupiter ruling the 2nd house, speak loudly of financial loss, and increasing poverty.

The chart for the US has Mars, Moon, Sun, and Jupiter in the 10th house with Neptune exactly conjunct the 7th house. Mars in the 10th house, especially square Neptune shows treachery on the part of certain foreign powers, and warns the nation of plots, schemes, and secret attacks. Neptune is in Pisces, the sign that rules oil. Neptune conjunct the 7th house cusp also denotes scandals and crime, and disgusting affairs in the Court. Mars in the 10th house points to increasing military aggression, and says that the Executive is in an angry mood. Militarization of the country is increasing. Mercury in the 11th house opposite Pluto in the 5th house is showing non-cooperation between the Congress and the Executive.

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