Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Lunar Eclipse of Jan. 31st in astrology

The lunar eclipse was at 1:28 PM GMT, or 8:28 AM EST, or 10:28 PM JST.

The eclipse Moon was fully visible, and at the zenith over Tokyo, Japan, all of East Asia and the Pacific. It was not visible in Washington D.C. and was not visible in Greenwich. It acted as an eclipse in Japan, and as a strong lunation in Washington and in England, etc.

A lunar eclipse  in the second decanate of Leo shows a general mutation of matters in the world.

The eclipse may bring earthquakes to East Asia and the Western Pacific.

The eclipsed Moon was opposite the Sun and Venus. In Tokyo, Venus ruled the Ascendant. Afflicted in the 4th house, Venus will bring damp, unseasonable weather, adversely affecting crops and upsetting agriculture.

In Washington DC, the eclipse Moon was in the 6th house, the Sun and Venus were in the 12th. This eclipse came at an important time for the US. There is a showdown happening in DC. The chart has Neptune in the 1st house. Neptune is the ruler of the 1st house in Pisces. Neptune is also widely square Mars in the 9th house. Mars rules the 2nd house. The 1st house rules the people's outlook; the 2nd rules the future. Neptune acts to confuse the people. Many lies and false rumors are circulating. Venus rules the 3rd house of the news media. The eclipse Moon is opposite Venus; the news media is of no help at all, and is being blacked out deliberately; it skews everything. It cannot be relied upon at all. Mars square Neptune will act to blind the people in weeks to come. Mars is in the 9th house, an extention of the 3rd, meaning foreign broadcasting. In a nutshell, the situation is very opaque, and will become more so.
Saturn is in the 10th house. It brings the downfall and ruin possibly of many people in Government. Saturn rules the 11th house, pointing to members of congress and other Government agencies, affecting the President. But the President (the ruler of 10) is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in the 8th house bringing benefit to the nation through financial gains.
Uranus is in the 2nd house in Aries. Aries is the 10th house of the NY Stock Exchange. With Uranus in Aries the market has been booming. The financial situation will probably continue to boom as the eclipse Moon is widely trine Uranus, but Uranus can reverse it unexpectedly being erratic in nature.
The 11th house (the congress and other Government agencies) contains Pluto and Mercury. Mercury is at 29:59 Capricorn, and is absolutely at the end of his tether. Mercury rules, in this chart, the 4th and 7th houses, the opposition. Pluto rules the 9th house where we find Mars. Mercury will form a sextile to Mars, and Mercury rules the 7th house. There are foreign powers supporting the opposition, and strongly influencing the news media. The media is acting as a political weapon.
The lunar eclipse is exactly conjunct the position of Mars in the natal chart of the FBI. That spells trouble.

Raphael Simons

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