Thursday, October 9, 2014

What's up with Kim Jong Un?

A horary astrological chart made at 9:21 PM on 10/9/14 may give a clue. This is what it says.
Kim's ruler (7th house ruler) is Jupiter in his 9th applying to square Saturn in his 12th. He is having trouble where he is and wants to leave. Jupiter applying to square Saturn shows meeting with an elder or superior person, and the meeting is not desirable. 9th house says he is far from home, possibly with in-laws, strangers, traveling, studying, or attending classes. His ruler conjunct the 4th house cusp from the 3rd leads one to believe he will return. His ruler is not in his 12th, so it rules out the thought of detention. Jupiter is in Leo in his 9th house is S.S.W., Leo is E. by N. He is somewhere to the SW of Pyongyang. Jupiter is direct and well placed in Leo, and not in his 6th or 12th or conjunct a malefic says he is alive. Saturn cadent says he is worrying about his health. 
Mercury is retrograde in his 11th house, in mundane trine to the ASC. Changes of mind are not to his disadvantage. Is he undergoing a training? Moon is applying to trine Pluto, counterparallel retrograde Mercury, square his ruler Jupiter, opposite Saturn, parallel Jupiter, and counterparallel Saturn. The Saturn aspects mean a long time. He will be gone a long time. Moon at 8 degrees Taurus in the 12th house last over Uranus at 14 degrees Aries shows something of a revolutionary nature, or some kind of (power) rearrangement that happened over 30 years ago that bears upon this matter.

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